Hector and the Search for Happiness - A Movie Review

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Hector and the Search for Happiness is a motivational film. It is based on the novel Le Voyage d’Hector ou La Recherche du Bonheur written by Francois Lelord and published by Editions Odile Jacob. The film was directed by Peter Chelsom and was released in 2014.
Producers of the film were Phil Hunt, Compton Ross, and Christian Angermayer .This film was produced by Judy Tossell and Klaus Dohle, Christine Haebarler, and Trish Dolman. It was produced with the participation of Telefilm Canapa and the support of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenborg GMGH, German Federal Film Board (FFA), and German Federal Film Fund (DFFF). Screenplay made by Maria Von Heland and Tinker Linsay. This film was edited by Claus Wehlisch. The actors of the film are Simon Pegg as Hector, Toni Collete as Agnes, Rosamund Pike as Clara, Stellan Skarsgard as Edward, Jean Reno as Deigo Baresco, Veronica Ferres as Anjali, Barry Atsma as Michael, Ming Zhao Togo Igawa as Ying Li, and Christopher Plummer as Professor Coreman.
source: http://content.internetvideoarchive.com
Hector and the Search for Happiness is a magnificent film telling about happiness which teaches us that everyone has an obligation to be happy. However, happiness has to be found. The rood toward happiness may not always smooth. Nevertheless, there are a lot of ways to achieve happiness.
The film tells about a psychiatrist called Hector, who has a satisfactory life. He has a girlfriend named Clara, who always maintains and prepares his every need. He likes to help his patients, has a great patience for them, and responds all of his patients’ questions. He knows how to answer question with a several varieties of different questions from his patients. One of his patients, Anjali, is a fortune-teller who knows what is going to happen to Hector. She says that Hector will engage a journey to distant lands. After hearing Anjali’s prediction, his concentration is disturbed to help solving patients’ problem and cannot work as good usual.  
A few days later, Hector asks to his girlfriend, Clara, that he needs to take a trip for research. He wants to make his patients feel happy. Yet, he does not know what happiness is. So, he conducts a research of happiness. He goes to three countries; China, Africa, and USA (Los Angeles) for his research. In his journey Hector meets a few people who change his mean about the reason of happiness. 

The film of Hector and the Search for Happiness has an interesting plot which makes us want to watch it until the end. Since in his research Hector goes to three places and each place has their own moral value, this film is suitable for your soul. One of the places that Hector visits is China. In the movie, China is described as a wonderful country, which has unique culture. The second place is Africa, with glorious savannah and wild animals. Next, in Los Angeles, Hector obtains some happiness meanings and feels what happiness is 

source: http://i.telegraph.co.uk

There are many good films. However, Hector and the Search for Happiness is an inspiration film that has moral value. Even though, this film has many positive sides, there are also some weaknesses for instance, adulterated scenes involving Hector and Ying Li. Hence, it is not proper for children. Another weakness of this film is a scene which immoral. The actor, Hector, cannot handle his emotion when he has a problem. He says unpropiate words to his patients and threw things around him.
Overall, this film is one of interesting films. The main character, Hector, portrays his character with an absolutely wonderful portrayal. He has more than one character on this film, yet, he can act it perfectly. He is also sympathetic to other people. He is a great actor, who can inspire and make everyone feel happy with him. Meanwhile, other cast members also support the plot with an impressive acting. So, this film seems like real. The scenery of this film is wonderful since it takes place in unfamiliar places, which has beautiful and natural view. In addition, the background sound of the movie is perfectly synchronized with the scenes, making it more excellent.

source: http://static.rogerebert.com
The movie of Hector and the Search for Happiness exposes some ways of how to get happiness in life. It is appropriate for people who feel unhappy and need inspiration to be happy in life. It contains high quality moral value, how the happiness will happen and everyone can attain it. It opens our mind that happiness is simple.


Writer: Dwi
Editor: Ummu

Chang, J. (2014). Film Reviews: Hector and the Search for Happiness. [Online] Retrieved on April 20, 2016 from